Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Castles and Causeways

After we got up after the rainy day at the horse stables and New Castle, we went to the beach. I collected A few rocks and shells (though "A Few" is probably an understatement). After this we drove to a small castle and hung around to take pictures. Later on we stopped again in Down Patrick, where St.Patrick is buried. Next, we drove to a town on the coast called Portrush and retired in a small guest house. When we woke up, the sun shown through the large bay window in the room, and we ate a hardy breakfast. The most anticipated part of our trip was next. Giant's Causeway. It was AMAZING!!!! huge steps that lead all the way to Scotland, and all naturally formed by the earth. If you ever go to Ireland make sure you visit it. The same day we also took a short hike aross a rope bridge that spanned between two Islands (eeek!)and visited a large castle by the name of Dunlace castle. It was huge! I thought it was really cool. It was made of stones from the causeway. After that we went back to the guesthouse to change into bathing suits, and build a sandcastle on the beach. We woke up the next morning, to drive to a small town and take a ferry across an inlet from the sea.Then we went to a walled city called Londonderry, and took a walking tour. Lots of rich Irish history. We drove from there to Ardura and slept in a Bed and Breakfast. Remember to keep up with the Blog!!!
-Annika :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I'm right there with you - great descriptions of your travels. Keep up the blogging. Ireland is definitely on my Europe list of must see places. Have fun. - Kyzer
